Globalworx BG
Globalworx BG


A pristine IoT solution for real-time storage monitoring

10-2019 - ongoing

Monitoring storage and transportation of sensitive goods, such as medicine, vaccines, chemicals, or certain types of food, is a buzzy topic. Globalworx is a German company that has been raising the standards of the diagnostics industry for over three decades. A few years ago, they came up with an IoT solution utilizing wireless loggers that monitor the state of a particular product. It was a perfect blend of innovation and market knowledge, fulfilling the wishes of many mid-sized logistics companies. But to make this dream come true, Globalworx needed an application that would handle a massive influx of data, which had already proved too big a challenge for their previous software developer.

Monitoring storage and transportation of sensitive goods, such as medicine, vaccines, chemicals, or certain types of food, is a buzzy topic. Globalworx is a German company that has been raising the standards of the diagnostics industry for over three decades. A few years ago, they came up with an IoT solution utilizing wireless loggers that monitor the state of a particular product. It was a perfect blend of innovation and market knowledge, fulfilling the wishes of many mid-sized logistics companies. But to make this dream come true, Globalworx needed an application that would handle a massive influx of data, which had already proved too big a challenge for their previous software developer.

Monitoring storage and transportation of sensitive goods, such as medicine, vaccines, chemicals, or certain types of food, is a buzzy topic. Globalworx is a German company that has been raising the standards of the diagnostics industry for over three decades. A few years ago, they came up with an IoT solution utilizing wireless loggers that monitor the state of a particular product. It was a perfect blend of innovation and market knowledge, fulfilling the wishes of many mid-sized logistics companies. But to make this dream come true, Globalworx needed an application that would handle a massive influx of data, which had already proved too big a challenge for their previous software developer.


Azure Functions, Azure Storage, PostgreSQL, TimeScale DB, .NET Core, Identity Server 4, Open ID Connect, Vue.js, Azure Web Apps

This is where our knowledge of hardware shines

While conducting a thorough analysis of the original app, we noted that it isn’t robust and scalable enough to prove effective in day-to-day operations. Therefore, we proposed building it from the ground up using newer technologies. But because the client couldn’t immediately put it out of use, we offered to fix the most severe bugs that had resulted in incorrect data.

Here, our experience with security system integration came into play — we located several firmware issues in all used devices. Thankfully, we had the opportunity to communicate with the original developers and successfully brought the app up to speed in no time.

Globalworx Case Study

A cloud app with minimal operational requirements

In parallel with fixing the old version, we started developing a new, entirely cloud-based application. Due to the complexity of the entire system, we put great care into creating technologically advanced wireframes. The key was to define precise parameters for the first version while simultaneously thinking up further updates with additional features.

The biggest challenge came in the form of ensuring robust and scalable communication between the server and the IoT loggers. Given the demanding security standards of the German market, we also had to devise a highly secured communication protocol.

The resulting app allows clients of Globalworx to remotely monitor the temperature of their goods based on the data picked up by IoT loggers. If the temperature climbs over a pre-defined safety threshold, the user will be notified via email or text. The app also includes tools for reporting and analysis. Running on Microsoft Azure ensures serverless operation, comfortable for both the user and the client.

„Nalezení nového IT dodavatele pro Bookport byl pro nás nesnadný úkol. Spolupráce musí dávat oboustranně smysl, musí si sednout a musí to obě strany bavit. To věřím, že se nám povedlo, a jsem za to velmi vděčný. V roce 2024 jsme pracovali s Netglade mimo jiné na nové mobilní aplikaci. Vypíchnout mohu například aktivní přístup z jejich strany, kdy se snažili dodat po všech stránkách funkční produkt, nikoli jen plnit zadání. Je vidět, že Netglade záleží na kvalitně odvedené práci. Jako bonus je spolupráce vždy ve velmi příjemném duchu. Těším se na další výzvy, kterým se společně s NG postavíme.”

Viliam Kovač

Jakub Jech



„Nalezení nového IT dodavatele pro Bookport byl pro nás nesnadný úkol. Spolupráce musí dávat oboustranně smysl, musí si sednout a musí to obě strany bavit. To věřím, že se nám povedlo, a jsem za to velmi vděčný. V roce 2024 jsme pracovali s Netglade mimo jiné na nové mobilní aplikaci. Vypíchnout mohu například aktivní přístup z jejich strany, kdy se snažili dodat po všech stránkách funkční produkt, nikoli jen plnit zadání. Je vidět, že Netglade záleží na kvalitně odvedené práci. Jako bonus je spolupráce vždy ve velmi příjemném duchu. Těším se na další výzvy, kterým se společně s NG postavíme.”

Viliam Kovač

Jakub Jech



„Nalezení nového IT dodavatele pro Bookport byl pro nás nesnadný úkol. Spolupráce musí dávat oboustranně smysl, musí si sednout a musí to obě strany bavit. To věřím, že se nám povedlo, a jsem za to velmi vděčný. V roce 2024 jsme pracovali s Netglade mimo jiné na nové mobilní aplikaci. Vypíchnout mohu například aktivní přístup z jejich strany, kdy se snažili dodat po všech stránkách funkční produkt, nikoli jen plnit zadání. Je vidět, že Netglade záleží na kvalitně odvedené práci. Jako bonus je spolupráce vždy ve velmi příjemném duchu. Těším se na další výzvy, kterým se společně s NG postavíme.”

Viliam Kovač

Jakub Jech



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