Czechia’s most popular school management system, Bakaláři OnLine, introduced its mobile app in 2018, developed entirely in Flutter. In 2020, Netglade took over its development and launched a comprehensive optimization process to provide users with better stability and open up possibilities for future development.
Our experience with Flutter has been extremely positive, and we currently deem it the number one choice for mobile app development. This flexible framework helps us to continuously improve the entire Bakaláři OnLine system.
Thanks to our long-term partnership with Bakaláři Software, and our experience with developing the Škola Online mobile app, we were able to release an updated version within a year. In addition to improved stability, it comprised the new schedule widget, which users can pin to their Home screen.

Servicing 1 million active users
The Bakaláři OnLine app has more than 1 million active users per month, making speedy troubleshooting absolutely essential for its stable operation. That's why we implemented a set of tools for monitoring errors and events, streamlining the overall user experience. Although the new version is mostly about technical refactoring, we also cleaned up old bugs and gently touched-up the design.
Bugs and stability are top priority
Although the refactoring mainly fine-tuned the app’s stability, it also included a transition to the latest OS versions, libraries, and to the Flutter development kit. The app now runs on Flutter 3.16.9 with support for Android 14 and iOS 17.
Users will now find a page in the settings that allows them to fix common issues, such as disabled notifications or battery optimization, which can negatively affect the app's performance. We also expanded the options of contacting tech support, leading to more accurate information about user issues and more targeted solutions.
New design of the Schedule widget
In addition to boosting the app’s performance, we prepared a completely new "Schedule widget". Located on the Home screen, this widget provides a clear overview of one’s daily curricular activities.
Users can swipe through their upcoming classes, schedule changes, or special events, such as school trips. The app allows widgets for individual profiles as well as resizing and labeling to suit individual preferences.
Our main goal was crystal clear – ensuring students don't miss a single class because of a technical mishap. In order to accomplish this, the widget must always provide the most accurate information possible. Bearing digital trends in mind, dark mode and support for older versions of the Android OS were also implemented.
Technical refactor reveals a new route
Thanks to the great effort we put into this technical refactoring, we have opened a path for easier maintenance of existing features and addition of new ones. We’re working closely with Bakaláři Software on upcoming features that will make the app even more enjoyable for all students, parents, and teachers.