Flutter Flash News 05 2024 netglade
Flutter Flash News 05 2024 netglade
Flutter Flash News 05 2024 netglade

Flutter Flash News (05/2024)


Flutter Flash News (05/2024)


Flutter Flash News (05/2024)


We’re halfway through May, which means a new edition of Flutter Flash News is here! Which update made us shake in excitement? What news can we expect from the Dart team in the near future? Here are the most important highlights from last month. 👇

May 15, 2024

More syntax sugar in Dart? 👀

We're always happy when Dart gets new features and expands its capabilities. The last great new feature was undoubtedly Pattern Matching. Although we're mainly looking forward to Static Meta Programming, we welcome various other tweaks as well.

This month, for instance, we were intrigued by the proposal for Shorter constructor declaration syntax. Would you like to see shorter constructor declaration syntax?

Print vs log vs debugPrint – What’s the difference?

Do you know the difference between print() and debugPrint()? And why log() in dart:developer even exists? Turns out, most people don’t.

Beware that DebugPrint will print out your logs in "release" mode. However, dart:developer.log() is best used when you need ASCII color support in your terminal and from the iOS simulator.

More on this intriguing topic down here: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/147141

Tip: Tooling for Apple Privacy Manifest

As of May 1, Apple requires a PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file declaration. If you're still struggling to find where the missing declaration is coming from, https://github.com/stelabouras/privacy-manifest will do the trick.

Check here for help with creation and a handful of tips: https://wemakeapps.net/manifest-maker

Swift Package Manager support? 🤞

We all know that one issue with CocoaPods and "pod install". But Flutter could finally see support for Swift Package Manager, which promises to make working with iOS libraries more convenient and less of a hassle -> https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/146256

Flutter has its own Tailwind? 🤔

If you're entering Flutter from a JavaScript and CSS background, you may be comfortable with the flexibility of CSS frameworks like Tailwind. After all, the author of Flutter Mix – a framework for styling Flutter widgets – thinks the same.

Check it out: https://www.fluttermix.com/

See you in June! 👋